A 9-18 weekend but still lots of fun with IAL


L to R:  John Brandeberry, Commish Mike Bunch, Marcus Bunch

I mentioned last week that I was APBA-bound this weekend.  Indeed, my buddy John “Brando” Brandeberry and I traveled to three and a half hours to Colona, Illinois to the Illowa APBA League commissioner’s house Friday and through the course of the weekend played three nine-game series.

On Friday night, we took on the Bunch family.  I took Mike “Papa” Bunch while Brando’s Bamm Beano’s played Mike’s son Marcus.  Neither of us downstaters had much luck as I won only three and Brando could only take two against the Moline Upperdeckers’ tandem of Verlander and Kershaw.  I love playing Mike even though it may take a bit longer.  He has such a passion for the game of baseball and for APBA.  He loves his players more than anyone and at the same time will berate them in front of you.

Quote of the weekend

“Jeez, we got to get out of this slump!”

Mike Bunch, after winning the last three games


After spending a restful night on a bed (Mike and his lovely wife are empty nesters so no couches for us) and a tasty breakfast at Colona’s Country Fixin’s, we got back to APBA.  We were joined that morning by West Division rival Don Smith and his Molly Putts Marauders who is from Davenport, IA.  For the first round, it was Marcus’ Upperdeckers for me and again, I could only manage three wins.  Brando did a little better taking six seven (thanks for the correction, Don!) games from Molly. Big highlight of that series was Ivan “Super” Nova’s no-hitter. John credits Don for not drawing any attention to it while it was in progress.  “That’s just good baseball manners”, he told me.

Saturday afternoon… it was the last round.  It was my turn with Don and Molly Putts.  Our pitching was solid and  we had a lot of close games but Molly came through in the late innings to win a few that we probably should have.  Again, we won three out of nine.

Brando and Mike were on the schedule for the last round and it looked like a pretty exciting series from our perspective. Down 3 games to 4, Brando won the last two to claim victory to the series.  By the third or fourth inning down by two runs in game 9, Mike exclaimed “the game is over”.  Thinking he was being literal, I wondered how they got their game in so quick but I realized Mike had just thrown in towel.  Sure enough, Brando won game 9.


Marcus Bunch (left) wins the weekend trophy, a ceramic dice cup made by John Brandeberry (right)

IMAG0127John had promised us a “trophy” for the winner of the weekend.  When I saw what was being offered as a prize, I really wanted win.  He had hand made a ceramic dice cup (shown right) with raised dice showing “66” on the side.  Very impressive.

Unfortunately, my 9-18 showing wasn’t even close.  Marcus Bunch and his Moline Upperdeckers were the clear winners this weekend with a 13-5 record.

Congrats, Marcus!


Don Smith’s turn with the Manager of the Year plaque

Other awards were taken care of this weekend, too.  Over the off-season, the 2011 IAL Manager of the Year went to three people:  it was a tie between Chuck Lucas, Marcus Bunch and Don Smith.  So this weekend, the plaque was handed off from Marcus to Don so that he can treasure it for next couple of months.  I assume Don will bring it to the All-Star break so Chuck will have his turn.

Thanks to Mike and (his wife, Darbie) for hosting this.  These intra-division weekends are pretty laid back compared to the full Illowa APBA conventions we have but they’re a lot of fun and we managed to get 27 games done (I haven’t done stats yet but if I know Brando he did them as soon as he got home).

Thomas Nelshoppen

I am an IT consultant by day and an APBA media mogul by night. My passions are baseball (specifically Illini baseball), photography and of course, APBA. I have been fortunate to be part of the basic game Illowa APBA League since 1980 as well as a frequent participant of the Chicagoland APBA Tournament. I am slogging through a 1966 NL replay and hope to finish before I die.


  1. Finishing last gets you the 1st pick in the rookie draft. Welcome to the Thunderchickens Mr. Trout! Kinda eases the sting of losing.

  2. I had my eye on Harper, actually. That said, the last time you advised me on a draft pick, I ended up with Matt Harrison.

    thanks for that, by the way. :)

  3. I think that in APBA, Harper is likely to be the better player – power will trump Trout’s speed and defense (and in APBA he won’t get any extra credit for playing CF). And that opinion has nothing to do with the fact that it looks like I’ll be picking immediately after you.

  4. OMG, Don’t let ’em snow you Nelly!!! Rob Taylor likens Mike Trout to Mickey Mantle, not a bad comparison, IMHO!!! Last time I checked, Trout’s hitting homers & doubles, along with stealing bases & playing a fantastic centerfield, nothing this kid can’t do!!! Also speed translates pretty well in APBA, you can’t teach speed.

  5. Guys,

    A few comments from maybe the biggest Angel fan that you know:

    1975 (major league season) was the first ILLOWA league rookie draft. Hard to believe we are that old, but it’s true.

    The top prize was Boston Center Fielder Fred Lynn. Now, THIS was “a guy you could dream on.” Good power .331 season average, terrific fielder, ran like the wind. Half his games in the best hitting park in the majors. And his team played in the World Series that year. After all these years, that remains arguably the best APBA card we have ever drafted. Jim Reisdorph (ILLOWA manager) was one happy fellow that day.

    Later in the First Round, another APBA manager drafted the other Boston outfielder: Jim Rice. Extreme power ,309 season average, below average fielder, ran average or below. Half his games in the best hitting park in the majors. And of course, his team played in the World Series that year, since it was the same team. Rice was injured for the World Series, perhaps affecting the result. Given his dismal post-season batting stats in other years, perhaps not. But perhaps so.

    After all these years, those two remain the best two outfielders ILLOWA has ever drafted in the same draft year, IMO. Plus, Jim Rice led the Chicago Champions to about 10 (give or take, who is counting?) ILLOWA league titles, making his manager a very happy fellow.

    One of these guys ended up in the Major League Hall of Fame. It took until his last eligible year and a lot of lobbying for Jim Rice get in, but “in” he is.

    So what does this mean to the Mike Trout vs. Bryce Harper Choice. Maybe nothing. maybe a lot. But I don’t think that Mike Trout is an “open and shut” choice. APBA favors extreme power. I think the first choice is “1 / 1A.” I would like the chance to choose. And stranger things have happened.


  6. It would NOT be in anyone’s best interest to trade 1 or 1A!!! Also, I think Trout is way better than Harper, an Angels fan I know agrees…

  7. Last time I checked, today, 1 was batting 80 points higher than 1A, with more power, twice as many steals, and an OBP of .406, while 1A’s OBP isn’t even as high as 1’s batting average. If I was angling to get the best ballplayer on my favorite MLB team, I’d downplay him too. Tough to downplay Mickey Mantle, or Mike Trout for that matter. Maybe if he’d gotten a card last year, ah 2 ABs shy, what might have been!!!

  8. “If I was angling to get the best ballplayer on my favorite MLB team, I’d downplay him too.”

    … and if I was angling for a secret trade to get the Number Two pick in the draft (not knowing yet who will finish 9th) hoping that Bryce Harper would be there to lead my team to “about 10 more ILLOWA Championships,” I would be pumping up Mike Trout too.

    Snow blows from more than one direction, my friends.

  9. Because of a history of really badd trades, the Champions will avoid wheeling & dealing at all costs!!! I can guarantee neither Trout or Harper will be a Champion, at least not on draft day. Enjoy the sledding!!! BTW, DonS, What would you think if the Halos traded Mike for Bryce???

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