Weird Card Wednesday: 1984 Miguel Dilone


Scott Fennessy just got the new 1984 APBA Baseball set and passed this Miguel Dilone card from the Expos along.

With two 14*s and twelve 6*s to go with his two first column 11s, Dilone’s card is weird enough.  But check out the result at 13, though.


He has a 13-146*.

Presumably, that’s an typographic error and should be 13-14-6*.  That does beg the question “Does the 14 have an asterisk as well?”

Kudos to Scott, by the way, for using a “Keep Calm and Roll Sixty-Sixes” background there!

Thomas Nelshoppen

I am an IT consultant by day and an APBA media mogul by night. My passions are baseball (specifically Illini baseball), photography and of course, APBA. I have been fortunate to be part of the basic game Illowa APBA League since 1980 as well as the BBW Boys of Summer APBA League since 2014. I am slogging through a 1966 NL replay and hope to finish before I die.


  1. I’ve bought 2 sets that were reprinted with stats on them (1919 and 1986) that have a lot of typos like this on them. Hi Myers has a 22-24 instead of a 7, and Swede Risberg is a Shortstop (B), just to list a couple of them.

  2. Because I still have the original print 1984 set (minus the XB’s) I was able to confirm the result should be 14*6*

    Like Willy I was able to find some minor issues, and there is another player that has a typo in the SLUG/OPB area that makes it hard to tell what the true stats were, but it was not that big a deal, and only Dilone’s card had anything glaring on it.

    • Scott,

      You should just add a 146 result to your boards, something fun like a chaotic little league-like play with multiple wild throws or a comedic base running blunder, ie. Ruben Rivera.

      Dilone’s a bench player in 84, so it would only happen what once or twice in a season replay. Good for a cheap random chuckle.

  3. That could be interesting. Since Miguel is a speed guy I could do something like that scene in “major league” where Willie Mays Hayes tries to steal second and comes up a foot short of the bag.

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